
An artist's picture showing Andy. Photo Credits: [@muselifemodeling](

Andy is now on a journey traveling around the world and at the same time is researching about sexuality.

She had experienced working as a sex educator and creating content  as a way to do activism about sexuality. Another of her working areas is the use of psychedelics in psychotherapy.

She is also focusing on the use of art and movement as a way to explore self awareness and sexuality. She has experience as a fashion and nude art model.

Her interest is to find different ways of expression that break with the normative ways of reproducing ways of living and performing in life.

She also has been exploring this topic in the art field, she proposes in her work, the use of the creative process, as a way to connect with the self and with others.

Her work mainly focuses on the use of movement and breathing by techniques. And also encourages to look forward about the meaning of freedom.