Julianna & Sonyamoria

An artist's picture showing Julianna & Sonyamoria.

Cyclical beings

In this workshop, you’re invited to an encounter with your cyclical nature. We’ll hold a circle around the topic of periods – menstrual and other. While societal gender norms assign menstrual cycles to all female-identifiable individuals, that is not necessarily true.
As humans, we are all cycles within cycles and the experience of menstruation is a collective one. This workshop is dedicated to FLINTA* only.

Julianna Kulczyńska - curator, coordinator and producer of art projects, editor of Important Art Magazine, says: „I remember I was anticipating the moment when I would get my first period. Most of my female friends had been already bleeding. The blood came to me during a holiday trip. Very soon my periods became heavy and painful, so I began to retreat and be with myself, which led me closer to my cycle.

Sonyamoria - post-porn filmmaker, VJ, pleasure activist, ecofeminist, says: „my first period came with an extra baggage of shame. I was very angry that it had reached me. Later I often had 0 it with joy and appreciate the ripples of my cycle.