Code of Conduct

We would like us all to commit to a code of conduct on how we interact and communicate with each other at BLADE. Our aim is to create a common space that is as non-discriminatory and non-judgmental as possible. Let us all take these guidelines to heart and act accordingly. An appreciative and respectful interaction is important so that everyone can feel comfortable at BLADE. Disregarding the code of conduct can result in exclusion of the event.


We respect individual boundaries and act according to the consent principles:
Only an intentional yes, means yes!
We understand consent as an act in which all parties genuinely and enthusiastically express that they want to engage in an interaction.
We understand consent as an ongoing conversation that is specific and informed, and communicated clearly every time.

Violence & discrimination

We are not tolerating any form of violence, such as psychological violence, physical violence or violent language. We are not tolerating any form of discrimination such as sexism, racism, islamophobia, antisemitism, classism, elitism, ableism, fatphobia, body shaming, and discrimination because of sexual orientation, as well as any other forms of group-based misanthropy.

Power of definition

We agree that the power of definition if and which form of violence or discrimination has taken place always belongs to the affected person. We take this definition seriously and don’t question it.

Physical uncoveredness

Physical uncoveredness can be a form of freedom for some. For many it is not or only restrictedly possible to enjoy this privilege in a heteronormative, sexist society. Therefore, we will take a reflective approach to physical uncoveredness.

Cultural appropriation

We aim for a space without any form of cultural appropriation. Therefore, we are mindful of how we represent ourselves.


For filming and taking photos on the dance floor and the festival site, it is important that we only take photos of persons after they have given us their permission. If we would like to take another photo or video at a later moment, we need to ask for permission again.

Illegal substances

The public consumption of illegal substances is prohibited on the entire festival site.

We wish for a consent among all participants to the formulated code of conduct. With buying a ticket for Blade Festival you confirm your consent.